Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year

Well the new year is here. Wonder what it will bring. I'm not making any resolutions this year I have kept the last one I made for several years and it has worked just fine. I made one to never make another resolution and I haven't. What are resolutions anyway but promises to ourselves that we just don't end up keeping or we disappoint ourselves with them. I'm not about disappointing myself any more. We are off to my inlaws tomorrow and then home again on Friday. Looking forward to being back at my place.


Raine said...

sounds good to me

Pungo River Rambling said...

Momo, Say something. We miss you.

Jael said...

Hey, I'm the opposite. I make resolutions all year long. I agree though, the pressure is too strong, and I like your resolution that you have kept. Enjoying your blog. :-)