Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mid Jan.

Wow it's amazing that half of January is gone. Didn't realize it had been that long since a post was made. We have been having a really good month. Not tooo busy but busy here at home doing stuff around the house. It's very good to be back on a basic routine instead of the holiday rush. Suppose to be heading to see hubby this weekend but weather may have other plans for us just waiting till good daylight to decide and see whats going on around the state. Hope all are having an ok month.


Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love it when ya get busy and time flies by? What I wonder is if anybody as ever taken a picture of a 'time fly'

TandCrew said...

lol it is crazy how time just seems to slip away without you noticing till its to late and you have missed something that was suppose to be done a while ago :| oops lol