Thursday, March 20, 2008


I don't even know where to start with all the thoughts running around in my head all jumbled together. I'm worried about pop but more worried about how my mom is doing. all the paper work i have to do at work is due in the next 4 weeks about 25 pages per kid and i have 10 to do. I always get overwhelmed with it this time of year. Hubby may be moving this june and if so may be moving to a place where we can live together again thats good but also will probally mean i have a long drive to work every day but dont want to change jobs or kido's school also kind of feeling overwhelmed with my hip hurting all the time dr says it could be sciatia or a pinched nerve around my 4th of 5th vertabre all of this together is just making me feel somewhat weepy easily and over whelmed but hey this too will pass it always does.

1 comment:

Pungo River Rambling said...

Momo, Sorry things are a little rough for you right now. You will figure out what to do. My grandmother always told us kids "This to shall pass" and it has come to my mind many times.