Thursday, June 5, 2008


ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i had a post all writtenand the battery died on my computer just after i hit send im stressed out and overwhelmed enough and packing unpacking boxes that had never been moved since last time i moved cuase the boxes were falling appart my houase feels like it exploded i just want it all to be over and done im not handling change well and as long as school was gonign on i could put it off and hide i hate this nad dont even have a definate move date just end of june first part of july i try to keep my blog good and positife and dont want to post yucky stuff but i have to vent and have to just let it out ill write more later


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! Won't be long until you're all moved and sorted out in your new home. Just remember to breathe...

Raine said...

WHY do you try and keep it positive? What is a blog for if not to get it all out?