Friday, August 8, 2008


ok we burried hubby's dad the 26th of July, came home had a few days and then school has started back. I'm glad I need the routine back. Teaching so far this year is great and kido seems to be enjoying her classes. I am so ticked off about online banking. The main bank I use is great never have a problem with their site but the local bank is horrible. Had to set up an account which I did and in the process had to answer lots of questions like favorite color, where did you meet your spouse and such. First time I ever logged in worked great. Then to log in you have to not only put in your screen name, then answer the questions then put in your password and then you can be logged in. However EVERY freaking time I've tried to log in since it tells me the answers to my questions are invalid same answers I gave the first time and it freezes it so I can't access on line. Not alot pisses me off but this is STUPID and I am seriously considering changing banks. ok now that I vented I feel better :) hope everyone reading this is having a better luck than I am.


Pungo River Rambling said...

Momo seriously, I am still sweating bullets over all the paperwork to settle Mage's "estate" such as it was. Every where I turn something is difficult or wrong or it gets lost in the mail. It is making me older than I deserve to be. But after a really bad day I make myself sit back and realize it could be worse. Sounds unfunny when you are really angry but really everyone has some kind of problem and that they are frustrated about and that helps to know. You are not. Try to smile.

Pungo River Rambling said...

Oops I meant you are not alone.

Momo said...

Paperwork is a pain theres too much of it to do in life. It really brightened my day to log in today and see that you had been by. Thanks alot.