Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A good day
Wonderful wonderful day. We went to the mall several hours away and enjoyed roaming and looking. Got some things such as a smaller 3 quart bowl for my Kitchen aid stand mixer (I have the really big one that came with a 6 quart bowl) That was christmas from hubby. Also got a new wallet, not sure I like it but it will do sure takes up less room in my purse. Got some new nice towels for kido's bathroom marked down to 4.99 instead of like 12 bucks. She has a black bed spread with various color 2 inch poka dots on it, striped sheets and such its really cute and the bathroom that opens off her room has a clear shower curtain with poka dots in tons of colors on it. She picked out towels in different colors wash rags one color, hand towels another, big shet kind of towels got 2 colors in them. I was a bit worried but it works perfectly in her room/bathroom. All in all it was a great day. Also one of the guys I've been kind of watching in the dog sled racing world last year or so won the men's division of the race he was in this weekend up against some of the most famous racers. Race season has started and I'm really enjoying having learned enough in the last couple of years to knwo where to look and how to find out info on the different races. In a couple of weeks there will be another one called the copper basin I hope this guy does well there too.
Monday, December 22, 2008
a month
wow over a month since i was here to post last where does time go things have been a moment to moment day to day kind of thing one really good one so so one bad just up down round and round maybe being off work the next two weeks will give me a chance to really write a good entery thanks to those who put up with me. Merry Christmas to all of you
Monday, November 17, 2008
today is better just venting out what was on my mind yesterday really helped thanks to those who are so supportive
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Things in 3s Dont look at post if things trigger you easily
They say things happen in 3s warning if you trigger easily dont read this cause its not pretty over all im doing ok but grief has a way of coming and going when one least expects it my fatherinlaw that i loved dearly died in july it wasnt too bad holding it together and being strong for my family then in september my grandfather died it was his time he lived a long good life and for the last year he has been miserable and living as a shell of who he was so although ill miss him greatly im happy for him at the same time that he isnt in pain anymore he isnt trapped in a body that will not function God is good and i know pop is with him and fixing things there much as he did on earth then this week number 3 comes along and it has brought all that grief all the upset that i had been keeping in check and the balance i had and it has thrown it out the proverbial window one of my very very good friends lost her 22 yr old son this week in a car wreck not only has her pain been horrid we have all be effected by it at work he graduated from our school in 04 He was a wonderful young man one of the strongest christian i know he wasnt one that just gave lip sinc to his faith he lived and breathed it. he left behind a wife and a 10 month old baby the wife was like 19 and her birthday was thursday but he had already bought her a present and his mom dug in his truck and found it still intact so she was able to give it to the wife all this is just dragging up all the pain of losses and it also brings up that it could have been my husband, my child i dont know why but this has been really hard on me hard to shake hard to let by i cant even coherently write this blog post well to anyone who has read thsi thanks for putting up with my rambling i feel better putting it down on "paper" so to speak.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
ok time goes on but really fast. In the last couple of months we have gotten moved, burried my grandfather, moved more stuff in from his house, and can't seem to find a set routine except leave home early (6:30) every morning for work get home at 5:30 or later every night after waiting on kido at cheer pratice or staying for ball games to watch her cheer. It has been fun. Football season is about over now we move into basket ball. Over all things here are going well just tyring and very little time to be online.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Life is Good :)
Life is going good. School has settled into a routine (busy busy one) LOL and stuff with the chruch is going good. We should get to move in the new house in the next 2 weeks or so which would be really nice.
Friday, August 8, 2008
ok we burried hubby's dad the 26th of July, came home had a few days and then school has started back. I'm glad I need the routine back. Teaching so far this year is great and kido seems to be enjoying her classes. I am so ticked off about online banking. The main bank I use is great never have a problem with their site but the local bank is horrible. Had to set up an account which I did and in the process had to answer lots of questions like favorite color, where did you meet your spouse and such. First time I ever logged in worked great. Then to log in you have to not only put in your screen name, then answer the questions then put in your password and then you can be logged in. However EVERY freaking time I've tried to log in since it tells me the answers to my questions are invalid same answers I gave the first time and it freezes it so I can't access on line. Not alot pisses me off but this is STUPID and I am seriously considering changing banks. ok now that I vented I feel better :) hope everyone reading this is having a better luck than I am.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Well had a couple of days after getting home from my class that were calm and good. Then last Thursday they called and the suggestion to take hubby's dad off life support was made by the drs. So Sat we headed out and have been staying in a hotel ever since. He passed away Monday and the funeral is suppose to be Sat if all the paperwork gets finished. He has always wanted to be cremated but in the state where he died it requires alot of paper work from the dr, med examiner, and state. We got a great hotel room at an extended stay hotel so we have a full kitchen with stove, oven, microwave, full sized fridge and plenty of space and because we are staying a full week it was like half the price. Only like 50 bucks a night. School starts back on the 1st of August for us teachers the kids decend on the 5th. I am really looking forward to it. On a lighter note kido has been so excited the new Miley Cyrus cd has come out. Actually the cd isn't half bad there are a few really good songs on it. Well hope all have a great day.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Well after flying out and getting to Atlanta to change planes, landing 5 minutes after our connecting flight left, we waiting to see if maybe by standby we would make it on a flight sat pm and didn't so ended up spending the night sleeping on a bench in the airport then Sun am flying into where we are at for this conference. So far today was really interesting and they fed us well. Hope we don't end up sleeping over in the airport on the way home Friday.
Hubby's dad still isn't doing well. He is having a trake put in tomorrow so they can hook the ventalator to it instead of the tubs being in his mouth and rubbing on his lips and such. Guess they think he will be on the vent for a long time which to me doesn't sound good but we will see.
Hubby's dad still isn't doing well. He is having a trake put in tomorrow so they can hook the ventalator to it instead of the tubs being in his mouth and rubbing on his lips and such. Guess they think he will be on the vent for a long time which to me doesn't sound good but we will see.
Friday, July 4, 2008
July So Far
It's July and the house we are moving into still hasn't been finished being built. So who knows when we will get to move in. I am really enjoying being at the new chruch we are going to now. Only been there one week but everyone has been soooooooo nice. Hope that continues. Today is my anniversary and we have steaks in the fridge marinating and hubby is going to cook them on the grill. Kido has gone off with a friend and her family camping. I leave tomorrow for a week long trip to a class on teaching autistic children and am really really looking forward to it. The school district is paying for the airfare, hotel, class fee, food, everything. Not going to be a vacation but it is going to be a nice break from living among all these boxes and confusion around here about when we will be moving and such.
On a less happy note my father in-law is not doing so well matter of a fact they are not sure he will make it through the week and I can not leave the place I will be even if something happens. This class is one of those things that they only take so many each summer and only on certain weeks and such. If he ever leaves the hospital he will have to be in a nursing home. If he makes it through the weekend the dr will be putting a trake tube in on monday to get the vent tubes out of his mouth. He is one sick man. Hubby is planning on going to where he is 5 hours from here Monday and taking kido with him. I hope they have an ok time. Kido will get to spend some more time with her cousins which will be good we only see them a couple of times a year.
On a less happy note my father in-law is not doing so well matter of a fact they are not sure he will make it through the week and I can not leave the place I will be even if something happens. This class is one of those things that they only take so many each summer and only on certain weeks and such. If he ever leaves the hospital he will have to be in a nursing home. If he makes it through the weekend the dr will be putting a trake tube in on monday to get the vent tubes out of his mouth. He is one sick man. Hubby is planning on going to where he is 5 hours from here Monday and taking kido with him. I hope they have an ok time. Kido will get to spend some more time with her cousins which will be good we only see them a couple of times a year.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Summer Time
Well it's been busy and kind of crazy around here but a good summer. Hubby has gotten moved in with us and eventually when the church finishes the parsonage we will move there. My house is full of boxes and such but all is over going ok. Hope all who come by here occasionally are doing well. Take care will try to post more another time.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i had a post all writtenand the battery died on my computer just after i hit send im stressed out and overwhelmed enough and packing unpacking boxes that had never been moved since last time i moved cuase the boxes were falling appart my houase feels like it exploded i just want it all to be over and done im not handling change well and as long as school was gonign on i could put it off and hide i hate this nad dont even have a definate move date just end of june first part of july i try to keep my blog good and positife and dont want to post yucky stuff but i have to vent and have to just let it out ill write more later
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Well today has been a good day. I needed the rest and relaxation. Kido and I layed around watching tv and eating junk all day. We did have fun putting on bathing suits and washing the dogs. Don't know if the dogs liked it or not lol.
Also did some thinking about what Memorial Day means and thinking of my Grandfather who was a POW in WWII in Romania and lived to tell about it. Thinking of my other Grandfather who is still living that never went over seas in WWII but was still in the millitary, who is still living in his body even though he can not see or hear or anything after having a stroke last year. I really haven't talked about it much with my friends on here but something about it today has really been on my mind. Both of these men were awsome men who lived full lives and worked hard for the freedom we have today. I know Memorial Day is suppose to be about those that died in service but it made me think of all service men kind of like Veterian's Day does. Thinking of this didn't make it a bad day actually it made it a good one a warm fuzzy feeling kind of day.
Hope others had a great day.
Also did some thinking about what Memorial Day means and thinking of my Grandfather who was a POW in WWII in Romania and lived to tell about it. Thinking of my other Grandfather who is still living that never went over seas in WWII but was still in the millitary, who is still living in his body even though he can not see or hear or anything after having a stroke last year. I really haven't talked about it much with my friends on here but something about it today has really been on my mind. Both of these men were awsome men who lived full lives and worked hard for the freedom we have today. I know Memorial Day is suppose to be about those that died in service but it made me think of all service men kind of like Veterian's Day does. Thinking of this didn't make it a bad day actually it made it a good one a warm fuzzy feeling kind of day.
Hope others had a great day.
Monday, May 19, 2008
School is almost over
I know I haven't posted as much as I should just lots of times can't think of any thing to write. Well school is almost out for the summer and I'm soooooooo glad. I think I'm as excited as the kids. My kido had high enough grades that she is finished for the year. She didn't have to take any of her exams. She has a piano recital this week so hubby is here for a couple of days to go to that and my father will be here some of this week too. Hope everyone is doing well.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Wow a Month
Wow alot goes on in a month LOL.
Let's see, hip still hurts but oh well such is life. Hubby at this point in time is still moving we are going to meet people at his new chruch tomorrow and that should be a very good thing. We are really starting to look forward to going there. He wont take over till late June there. I will have about a 25 mile drive back and forth to work. That will take some getting use right now I'm about 1.5 miles from work but thats ok we will get to be in the same house.
Paper work is DONE yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh and I have been told it looked very good. School will be out for the summer in almost a month exactly and this is one teacher that is as glad for summer to come as the kids but LOL will be just as glad for the year to start again in August.
Another thing that some of you who talk to me on IM know is that although I live in the deep south I in the last 2 years have become totally hooked on sled dog racing. The guy I really wanted to win both the Yukon Quest race and the Iditarod which are both about 1000 miles long won. His name is Lance Mackey. However he did not win the other race he was hoping to win and that was the All Alaska Sweepstakes. His sled and team was hit by a person on a snowmachine but even with that he came in 3d. I like reading about the different racers and such and it takes a lot to care for a dog team and train all year and such now that the season is over, I'm already anxiously awaiting next year's races. I think my dream trip would be to go to the Iditarod and ride in the ceremonial start and then go to several check points along the way and then be at the finish. On Lance Mackey's web site he has a pin with a saying on it that my daughter says she really likes and the more I think of it the more I love the saying. It says something all of us need to remember "If your going to dream, DREAM BIG dream Do come true!" I'm going to try to say that to myself every day for a while. Lance Mackey is proof that dreams do come true he was diagnosed with cancer in 2001 and in 2007 and 2008 won both the Idiatarod and the Yukon Quest races something no other racer has ever done back to back like that before.
Hope everyone is doing well or as well as you can be. Leave a note and let me know how you are.
Let's see, hip still hurts but oh well such is life. Hubby at this point in time is still moving we are going to meet people at his new chruch tomorrow and that should be a very good thing. We are really starting to look forward to going there. He wont take over till late June there. I will have about a 25 mile drive back and forth to work. That will take some getting use right now I'm about 1.5 miles from work but thats ok we will get to be in the same house.
Paper work is DONE yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh and I have been told it looked very good. School will be out for the summer in almost a month exactly and this is one teacher that is as glad for summer to come as the kids but LOL will be just as glad for the year to start again in August.
Another thing that some of you who talk to me on IM know is that although I live in the deep south I in the last 2 years have become totally hooked on sled dog racing. The guy I really wanted to win both the Yukon Quest race and the Iditarod which are both about 1000 miles long won. His name is Lance Mackey. However he did not win the other race he was hoping to win and that was the All Alaska Sweepstakes. His sled and team was hit by a person on a snowmachine but even with that he came in 3d. I like reading about the different racers and such and it takes a lot to care for a dog team and train all year and such now that the season is over, I'm already anxiously awaiting next year's races. I think my dream trip would be to go to the Iditarod and ride in the ceremonial start and then go to several check points along the way and then be at the finish. On Lance Mackey's web site he has a pin with a saying on it that my daughter says she really likes and the more I think of it the more I love the saying. It says something all of us need to remember "If your going to dream, DREAM BIG dream Do come true!" I'm going to try to say that to myself every day for a while. Lance Mackey is proof that dreams do come true he was diagnosed with cancer in 2001 and in 2007 and 2008 won both the Idiatarod and the Yukon Quest races something no other racer has ever done back to back like that before.
Hope everyone is doing well or as well as you can be. Leave a note and let me know how you are.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
I don't even know where to start with all the thoughts running around in my head all jumbled together. I'm worried about pop but more worried about how my mom is doing. all the paper work i have to do at work is due in the next 4 weeks about 25 pages per kid and i have 10 to do. I always get overwhelmed with it this time of year. Hubby may be moving this june and if so may be moving to a place where we can live together again thats good but also will probally mean i have a long drive to work every day but dont want to change jobs or kido's school also kind of feeling overwhelmed with my hip hurting all the time dr says it could be sciatia or a pinched nerve around my 4th of 5th vertabre all of this together is just making me feel somewhat weepy easily and over whelmed but hey this too will pass it always does.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Spring Break
It's spring break and it's been ok but long. I'm staying at my grandfather's house. Its hard and a long story but I guess this is the place for such things. My grandfather took care of my grandmother for years and years she was in a wheel chair most of my life and died in 2000. In 2002 he married another lady. My mother is an only child and lives about 1000 miles away from her father. I call him Pop. Well Pop had a stroke last March and they sent him home on hospice and said he might live 8 weeks welllllllllll it has been a year now and my mother and father have closed up their house and have been living here with Pop and his wife caring for him. Pop can not even poop with out someone helping pull it out. I've been staying here this week helping mom care for him while my dad has gone back 1000 miles to there house and get some things checked on and taken care of there. I will write more later but just keep it in your thoughts cuase its good and hard all at the same time.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
It has been a great few days here. The house has stayed clean now for several weeks and for me that is a big deal. I think the longest I've ever kept one simi clean is about a week and a half so I'm doing really good. About 3 weeks now.
Hubby came Thursday and stayed through mid day today that was really nice. Today was a nice spring day with highs in the mid 70s and little white puffy clouds on the big blue sky. I got up made a good breakfast(homemade biscuts bacon and omlet) not something I do often. Enjoyed it and coffee most of the morning with hubby and kido watching tv and then worked in the yard some with the windows to the house open and airing it out. Such a great relaxing day
Hubby came Thursday and stayed through mid day today that was really nice. Today was a nice spring day with highs in the mid 70s and little white puffy clouds on the big blue sky. I got up made a good breakfast(homemade biscuts bacon and omlet) not something I do often. Enjoyed it and coffee most of the morning with hubby and kido watching tv and then worked in the yard some with the windows to the house open and airing it out. Such a great relaxing day
Monday, February 18, 2008
Been a busy few weeks. I've gotten my house all cleaned up with the exception of a few little spots like the top of my dresser. Even all my laundry except changing my sheets is done. That in itself is a huge accomplishment for me. I'm not the worlds best house keeper. I get so over whelmed and then just don't know what to do or where to start. It's in really good shape now. Hopefully I can keep it this way for a time.
The other thing I've been up to is keeping up with some of the sled dog races. I got hooked last year and am really enjoying it even more this year. The Yukon Quest is currently underway and I really am amazed at the strength of the teams. Two particular guys are bouncing back and forth for first place it will be intresting to see which one actually wins. Sometime tomorrow they should make it into the finish. Lance Mackey won it the last few years and is back and forth in the lead with Ken Anderson. I'm really impressed with both of them and their dogs. Ken Anderson has a great kennel site that is doing wonderfully well posting updates about not just him but those close to him in the race. Both of these mushers will be running in the Iditarod that starts March 1. Also plan on trying to keep an eye on the Jr. Iditarod as well. It starts a few days before the Iditarod and isn't quite as long.
Dream vacation would be to go to both races but that will never happen would cost too much to live in alaska for 2 months.
The other thing I've been up to is keeping up with some of the sled dog races. I got hooked last year and am really enjoying it even more this year. The Yukon Quest is currently underway and I really am amazed at the strength of the teams. Two particular guys are bouncing back and forth for first place it will be intresting to see which one actually wins. Sometime tomorrow they should make it into the finish. Lance Mackey won it the last few years and is back and forth in the lead with Ken Anderson. I'm really impressed with both of them and their dogs. Ken Anderson has a great kennel site that is doing wonderfully well posting updates about not just him but those close to him in the race. Both of these mushers will be running in the Iditarod that starts March 1. Also plan on trying to keep an eye on the Jr. Iditarod as well. It starts a few days before the Iditarod and isn't quite as long.
Dream vacation would be to go to both races but that will never happen would cost too much to live in alaska for 2 months.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Princess and the Mouse
Well it started just before 3 am this morning a noise that I couldn't place woke me up from a dream and groggly I roled over and started drifting off back to sleep. Next thing I know I hear it again and then all 63 lbs of Princess my husky/lab mix landed on the bed where she normally sleeps with me. I look up and realize there in her mouth is a mouse, not only a mouse but also the trap that it was in LOL. Guess it had come across the floor once it clicked. She was sooooooooo proud then she got down and laid it down on the floor and looked up at me like "see mom see what I got" so I picked it up and took it in the kitchen and put it in the trash which today went out to the garbage can. She was soooooo proud of herself sometimes I think that she thinks she is a cat. If you would like to see her you can go to her web page at dogster where her picture and her blog is. Don't know if we can post websites here or not but I'm gonna give it a try. http://www.dogster.com/dogs/479560 there is also a link to my other dog on her page. Guess when I finish here I will have to go update her doggy diary.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Dreams can be soooooooooo wierd. I have been sleeping in the den the last few nights as it is cold in my bedroom and even with the space heater running its hard to get it over 55 degrees in there. Sometimes that is actually better for sleep though. I've had some wierd dreams in the den though. I woke about 2 this am dreaming I was with my mom, my uncle, some kid with mom, and my dog and the dog we had when I was a kid. We were driving through dallas and I called a friend of mine I know on line that had moved there for help knowing where to go. (online friend is real and has talked of moving to dallas but not in months) I was on the phone with her telling her places we were near turned right at the corner with 2 big buildings at least one of them was a huge church the other was some kind of church sponsored rehab kind of place and then there were appartments too across from it. We went down into that neighborhood and found the place we were to stay which right there in a neighborhood was a little state park with a cabin they rented out. The cabin had 3 bedrooms with a big bed in each and a little bed too in one and then there was a big common room/kitchen combo. Mom and the kid took the one with a big and a little bed, I took a room and my uncle took one. There was a door to out side in mine and I moved a dresser over it cuase it wouldn't shut all the way or lock. Once we all got settled we sat around and watched tv till the dogs wanted to go out so we opened the front door for them to go out and a dog the house that was across the street wanted them to come play not in words but could tell so the dogs went out and then came back in. Thats when I woke up with a dog pawing me to go out lol. This was such a vivid in color dream I can still close my eyes and see parts of it. Could draw you a floor plan of the cabin thing. Makes me wonder when I dream so vivid why some people don't or don't remember doing so and why I seem to dream like this all the time. Wasn't a bad dream wasn't overly good just a dream. I have lots of dreams like this that are very detailed and very vivid. Many of them I would never post here though LOL. Sometimes very good some times bad but mostly like this one just dreams neither good nor bad. Any thoughts or ideas on the topic of dreams is welcome.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Mid Jan.
Wow it's amazing that half of January is gone. Didn't realize it had been that long since a post was made. We have been having a really good month. Not tooo busy but busy here at home doing stuff around the house. It's very good to be back on a basic routine instead of the holiday rush. Suppose to be heading to see hubby this weekend but weather may have other plans for us just waiting till good daylight to decide and see whats going on around the state. Hope all are having an ok month.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year
Well the new year is here. Wonder what it will bring. I'm not making any resolutions this year I have kept the last one I made for several years and it has worked just fine. I made one to never make another resolution and I haven't. What are resolutions anyway but promises to ourselves that we just don't end up keeping or we disappoint ourselves with them. I'm not about disappointing myself any more. We are off to my inlaws tomorrow and then home again on Friday. Looking forward to being back at my place.
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